"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6
My husband and I love to host small dinner parties at our home. It's not the food that we enjoy as much as it is the conversation with loved ones and friends that comes so naturally as everyone lingers long past the coffee and dessert. It's those times of conversation and laughter that hearts are joined together in the fabric that memories are made.
One one such occasion a few years back I received a hostess gift. It was a miniature, rustic watering can with an attached note that said, "For One Who Waters." As unique as the giver, the message carried in on this tiny can caused my mind to ponder it for days.
Of course, having the love of gardening, I first thought about the rules of gardening and nature. A plant starts in the form of a seed placed in fertile soil. With the right amount of watering and sunshine the seed germinates, sprouts it's little head above the soil . With much continued prayer for more sunshine, watering, weeding, and patience it grows into a mature, adult plant within a few months. Without all of these steps in the right amounts the seed will not grow. Some of the steps we can control. Other steps is up to nature and the weather patterns.
If we hold this parallel to our spiritual walk like Paul did in 1 Corinthians, he's saying that some of us plant the seed of the Gospel in people's hearts. Others of us, water that seed, providing a way for the nutrients of the soil of God's word and His Holy Spirit to penetrate or condition the soil or heart of the listener. Still others are there to pull out the weeds (bad influences, choices) that might choke the seedling (new believer) while others are there to witness and harvest the mature plant (mature believer) from the vine that will be food for others. But, no matter what input we may have in someone's life, only God himself can make a person's faith grow.
As we all enjoyed the bounty around the table this Thanksgiving Day, I pray you all received the blessing of the fabric woven into memories of family and friends. For those who planted, watered, weeded, harvested or were fed may you feel the fullness of knowing you were chosen for that purpose by the God who makes us all grow!
Happy Thanksgiving!