"For God's gifts and his call are irrevocable." Romans 11:29
It's been a couple of weeks of crisis, chaos and confusion. Just as I walked through that open door of opportunity, a roaring rush of wind shook my foundation and instantly my quiet life was spun out of control. In the middle of a deafening cyclone of flying debris coming at me from every direction I've had no time to think or ponder or speak my heart aloud. I've only been able to react, to survive until at the end of every day, my body could physically take no more.
Finally, this week, the rushing wind subsided. The deafening cyclone of crisis fell silent. The dust settled and I was left standing in a stupor. My eyes scanned the horizon searching for the comfort of familiar. The faces were strange, yet welcoming. My surroundings, new but oddly like home. My heart reeled with emotions of pain, loss, change and renewal simultaneously. I questioned God's call on my heart. With all this change, was His call still the same?
Walking through this new territory seemed hard work at first but eventually, the rhythm came. In the quiet moments that returned I found comfort in God's familiar voice. He whispered to my heart, "Come away, my beloved and write down my words. Come away, my beloved. My promises never change. Come away, my beloved where my blessings overflow. Come away. Follow me."
Although my surroundings have changed a bit and my circumstances have shaken the foundations of my life God's promises and call on my heart have remained the same.
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