Juanita Witham Bardon (left)
June 11, 1958 - March 29, 2013 |
Life surprised us last Thursday - knocked us off our steady feet. Our world came to a screeching halt and our hearts cracked right in two.
The woman who bore the sweetest daughter-in-law, the one my grandchildren called Mammie, suddenly left this world and entered Heaven's gates.
We know she's in a better place - dancing, singing, shouting praises to her King - but we are left behind gathering all our brokenness and missing her loving embrace. It seems too soon. We want one more hug, another spoken "I love you," to hear her contagious giggle and to look into her sparkling blue eyes.
Many more have known her longer, but it didn't take long to love her. God melded our families with unconditional love and acceptance in every respect. We loved sharing our children and grandbabies, alike. We were part of the same family where ties were extended, not broken or bound up tight.
We miss you, Juanita, more than words can express. While you're praising our Jesus in heaven above, I'll care for our grandbabies and tell of your love. You were best at preserving photographic memories, but I'll try harder to remember "a picture's worth a thousand words" especially to Grandmas with Cameras!
Grandmas with Cameras
by Sally Dube
Something happens to most mothers
When they are old (but still quite young =)
Their children grow up, marry
And have a daughter or a son!
This baby is the sweetest
That on earth they’d ever seen
Now that Mother has a new name
She’s now “Grandma” her ultimate dream!
She rocks and sings that little one
Her heart filled with so much love
She never knew how blessed she’d be
By this bundle sent from above.
Her camera never leaves her hand
So not to miss that smile
For this baby IS the cutest EVER
So lots of pictures in a short while
Laughing, crying, sleeping, yawning
Making sure to get each look
Rolling, sitting, creeping and crawling
Why her grandchild should be in a book!
Grandmas with cameras are a special breed
Never missing a photo op
With a flash and a snap and a “say cheese”
Their pictures just don"t stop =)