Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I Thought I Knew What Love Looked Like

The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them. John 14:21

"Most live life with love gone much unsaid." These narrated words from a new BBC series pricked my heart as I thought about all the years I withheld my love from my father; repressed my childhood affection from the one who walked away and yet returned with a repentant heart. We'd lost so much time play-acting our roles as father and daughter all those Saturdays of my youth, that when he returned in my college days, I didn't know what to do. Showing affection was awkward, at least, and risky. I allowed the fear of rejection to build an impenetrable fortress around my heart, keeping everyone at arm's length, especially my father.

We lived most of the rest of his life with love gone much unsaid until God took hold of my heart about nine years ago. That's when God pried open my soul and revealed to me my earthly father through His eyes. For the first time, I was able to accept him for who God created him to be and honor all his traits in me without shame. But it wasn't enough to only ponder these revelations alone. God challenged me to forgive my father face-to-face and to speak my love out loud to him (talk about fear and risk). It took me a long seven months of God working on me to gain the courage to face my father and risk it all, but I'm glad I did.
My earthly father passed over a year ago knowing how much I loved him and forgave him. We left no words unsaid, he and I. I thought his passing restored all lost love between us and ended my father journey, but recently God taught me differently. 

(I'm honored to tell the rest of the story on the {re}fresh blog, today. God's doing amazing things...)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Sensitive Child: Encourage their Strengths

I was the child who cried when people looked at me funny or laughed when I did something cute. I blushed at the very thought of speaking aloud or performing in front of a crowd. As a preschooler, I couldn't distinguish when people where making fun or admiring something I'd done. Maybe this sensitivity or shyness came from being a "mommy's girl" but alas, it was how I was wired.
Being naturally introverted, I people-watched and intently observed human behavior and interactions wherever I went. That meant I didn't speak much because I was busy watching from the outside. Being the third-party observer, I gained a sensitivity to my world and innate compassion for the underdogs in most situations (and still do to this day).
So, how did I process all that I observed? How did I come to interact more normally in an extroverted world? (Psssst...for the answers, follow me to the Christian Children's Authors blog. See you over there.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pillow Talk: Keeping Communication Lines Open

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 NIV
It started quite innocently when they were toddlers and fast became our nightly ritual. We'd split up between our son and daughter, alternating every other night, with books and then a cuddle before the lights went out. Inevitably, our children's bodies quieted, but their little minds raced with all the questions they'd stored up during their busy day. They'd ask questions like: Who made all the stars? Why can't we see the wind? How do fireflies glow?
Oh, they had great questions that allowed for some important pillow talk conversations and teachable moments!
(Bring your pillows and tip toe over to Christian Children's Authors blog for the rest of the story...)