Wednesday, June 24, 2009


My favorite time of the day is when I'm alone in the morning before my family awakes, before the noise of the breakfast dishes are clinking or the cars start swooshing by on the street outside my house. I love to grab a single cup of coffee and head back upstairs to my office, close the door behind me and sink down into my winged back chair. It's my sanctuary of peace and quiet. Sometimes I'll just sit for a few minutes, close my eyes, soak in the aroma of that flavored coffee (hazelnut or vanilla) and just let the absence of noise flood my heart. Then when my mind is focused on nothing, all the cares of the day before me are yet to be important, I hear God gently whisper to my soul. "It's good to see you."

We sit in quiet conversation, just me and Him. I share my thoughts. He listens. He shares his thoughts in a whisper or through scripture. I listen. All the while in perfect quiet. Sometimes neither one of us says a word. It's just a presence of peace, knowing He's there just spending time with me.

Then the quiet is pierced. The alarm sounds from my husband's bedside table. The shower is running. Breakfast dishes start clinking and cars are swooshing on the street outside. I bid my adieu to my quiet friend and head into the busyness of another day. But somehow, there's this peace that envelopes me knowing that he hasn't left my side.

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