"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Those of us brave enough to follow God's call on our hearts to write His message on the hearts of other women, go through weeks, months, years of questioning our mission. We wonder, "Have you really called me God? 'cause this is just plain hard." With the publishing industry whittling away while it reevaluates its place in the techno-savvy world, those 0f us with a message beg for a chance to be heard.
Two years ago, God placed the seed for a book in my heart. A guide for daughters of divorce toward the rescue, restoration, and release of their wounded hearts. It' been a struggle to write. It's been a challenge to revisit those places I've wanted to forget. Yet, God's reminded me that the freedom He's given because of my obedience to forgive, must be shared with the next generation.
Although I'd like to think my words will be published, God has continually reminded me this year that I'm on a journey; that all my experiences are part of a long process. He's reminded me that no matter if my words are published, I must remember three things: (1) be grateful for small beginnings, (2) be patient, no matter how long it takes for God to accomplish His mission through me, and (3) be confident in what He has equipped me to do.
So, as I prepare my second book proposal, I choose to hope rather than cling to discouragement. I choose to persevere, rather than give up and say, "What's the use?" I choose to step out in obedience and gain insight, rather than to stubbornly disobey in the prospect of disappointment.
One thing I know: I serve a God of limitless possibilities and promises. I choose to step out in obedience to His call and see what's in store...day to day. What about you?