"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
Sitting in my sanctuary, perched in my favorite, well-worn chair, a cool breeze lends a wispy kiss upon my cheeks. It's quiet here. I welcome the late spring sun as my soul sighs, "All is well."
Tuning out the bustling world around me, I tune into my heart. Conversations from last night encircle my thoughts; talk about the end of the world. Like I found myself last night, I'm shockingly unaffected. It's not that I'm not concerned with the world nor am I ignorant of the global disasters and signs that all is NOT well with this planet. All my life I've been taught this world is temporary. It will end.
But still, here I sit, feeling untouched by this fact except for the guilt creeping in. So, I have a conversation with God. "Lord, if this is the end, shouldn't I be DOING something? Getting my hands dirty saving the world? Exactly what am I supposed to be DOING right now?" So I gather my swirling questions and God harnesses them in the light of Jesus' teaching in Matthew 24-25.
First, "keep watch," Jesus says, "because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24:42 NIV). Like a servant who continues to keep the master's house in order as he anticipates his return, the faithful servant will not get lazy and let the house fall into ruin. If he does, the master will fire him when he arrives home, unannounced.
Second, invest well. God has sown specialized talents into our DNA. Whether we are artists, writers, builders, accountants, or caregivers we're all specifically gifted for a purpose. Coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit (and God's spiritual gifts) God designed us to do great things, NOW in THIS broken world. It's up to us to accept this spiritual journey of discovering those gifts and allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you. When this happens, God says, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness." (Matthew 25:23 NIV)
Finally, serve others don't just talk about it. Wherever we find ourselves, to whomever walks into our world on any day, we are to serve others with whatever means God has given us to serve; even a cup of cold water.
The leaves are rustling outside my window as I ponder God's purpose for me in such a broken world. All may not be well outside my sanctuary, but He reminds me again, that words are powerful. They're meant to be shared whether spoken or written. Harnessed by God's power they refresh others like a cup of cold water; bring healing, hope, and empowerment to a world coming apart at the seams.
Dear reader, I pray you may be refreshed by these words, but most importantly, empowered by them to harness God's gifts sown in you. What does your cup of cold water look like? How will you refresh those around you?
" 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" (Matthew 25: 40 NIV)
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36
Beautiful! You are so right. I have had thoughts of guilt when I have created, thinking I should be doing something more important...like leading a Bible Study or something. And I have done that in the past, but it was a real challenge for me. But creating...well there is something that just flows from me. And I'm noticing that God IS using it for His Kingdom!! So, I know those thoughts are from the enemy. God made me a certain way for His purposes. You are a blessing with your words!
ReplyDeleteThanks Janine. I say the same thing as you share your new designs. How wonderful to be doing exactly what God intended us to do!