Monday, July 23, 2012

Behind This Woman

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." Ephesians 5:25

We often take advantage of "Cheap Tuesday" at our local movie theater. My husband, Peter even sits through chick flicks with me now and again. A few years ago it was Julie & Julia. The movie is the story of Julia Child, best known for her 1960's televised french cooking show and Julie, a New York City woman who took a year to cook and blog her way through Julia Child's recipes.

I'm not at all passionate about cooking. In fact it's inconceivable in my mind how the words joy and cooking can be in the same sentence! But, I do like the actress Meryl Streep who played Julia Child and I like every role she's played. If I were honest, I really went to see Meryl.

Surprisingly, the movie was NOT about the love of cooking. Yes, it was about two women who loved to cook. Yes, they made outrageous dishes that made the audience drool but more importantly it was about two women whose passion could not be contained in a sauce pan. It was about the journey of sharing their passion through writing and the husbands behind their success. Now that's something I identify with more than cooking!

Writing has been a passion of mine since fifth grade. Back then, I wrote all the time. If I wasn't writing in my journal I was writing a letter to my cousin, my grandmother, or a long distance friend. I was happy just writing, writing, writing. But, what I lacked was direction, guidance, and mentorship. I've fumbled my way through a few internships in college but nothing that lended itself to any significant writing career choice. I settled for writing as a hobby - something I enjoyed but nothing I would ever be able to share.

Then a few years ago, a sweet woman placed a Proverbs 31 Ministry magazine in my hands. Part of the ministry of P31 is to mentor and train Christian women who have a passion to speak or write the words God has placed in their hearts for the encouragement of others. They do this through their annual She Speaks conference. As I read more about the conference I knew this was a divine appointment. For the first time, there was someone who understood my passion. There was an outlet to do more with it than just write in a secret journal that I kept to myself.

Much has happened since I first learned about She Speaks. My journey in my passion for writing took some funny twists through physical injuries, spiritual warfare, family crises, forgiveness and release. Through all of these turns, never once was I left alone to manage on my own. Never once was I allowed to let my passion to write dwindle. Like Julie & Julia, I too have been given the precious gift of a supportive husband. He nursed me to health, sacrificed financially, weathered heavy spiritual battles, courageously saw us through family crises, walked alongside me as I learned to forgive and praised God for the release of my heart's desire to write.

There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for God giving me such a loving, supportive husband who wishes only the best for me. Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect, but neither am I. Trust me, we have our ugly, stinky moments when we wonder what the heck were we thinking when we chose each other. But, in the big scope of our lives, when I see all the little things he does each day to show me he loves me: when he constantly encourages me to write, when I consider all that he does to point me toward Christ, when I witness God in Him then, I know I've been blessed.

The old saying goes, "Behind every good man is a loving, supportive woman." I say, it goes both ways. Thank you, Peter, for being a loving, supportive, godly man behind this woman! I love you.


  1. wow, chick flicks even! way to go Peter!

    1. And to top it off...he had a boquet of flowers waiting for me when I arrived home at 4 am this morning! What a man!

  2. Beautiful! I so enjoyed meeting you, words still escape me as to how special our breakfast and prayer time was yesterday.Praising God for the gift of your husband and for YOU!

    1. It was a precious time. One of my favorite memories of the weekend - touched by God's presence in you. Please know what a source of joy and encouragement you are to this Yankee!

      Blessings, joy, and peace to you today,

  3. I love this--"ugly, stinky moments"! I giggled when I read that. Probably because we all have them. Thanks for sharing your supporter with us. Loved!!!!!! the lobsta'.

    1. Just keepin' it real, MaineGal! Just keepin' it real.

      Thanks for having him!

      Love you guys bunches and bunches,

  4. Morning Miss Dawn!
    I feel so blessed to have met you in person this past weekend! We both have supportive, loving husbands. What a gift from God! Thanks for sharing sweet woman! ~ Blessings from Maine, Amy :)

    1. So good to be in your presence and see your smiling face up close and personal! Jesus shines brightly in your life, Amy!
