Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back-to-School: Life Unscripted

Join me again today at Encouragement Cafe for more back-to-school specials:

“ 'What then is this child going to be?' For the Lord’s hand was with him." Luke 1:66

I wished my kids came with instructions. They wished I came with a script.

Wearing that deer-in-the-headlights look while my mind raced through the invisible Rolodex of wisdom didn't settle them one bit. If I lingered too long in dumb-foundedness, they assumed I didn't care; spoke too soon and I didn't understand. Either way it was an exasperating, losing battle and my Mommy Meter quickly ran dry of patience until all that was left was my Mean Mommy sarcasm. "What do you want me to say?" I'd retort throwing my hands above my head. "You didn't come with instructions and God didn't hand me a script the day you were born!" Honestly, some days I was the one that needed the time-out chair!

(Psssst! While you take some time out for yourself today, meet me over at Encouragement Cafe for the rest of the story. Oh, and when you're done? Let us know how you handled these same situations. Mama's need all the help they can get! See you soon.)

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