Thursday, August 30, 2012

Living Life Free

"The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9 NASB

An email greeted me today saying, "I hope your summer was fantastic." My first response was, "You have NO idea!" Then I hit delete.

My fingers froze, poised above the keyboard unable to explain the interruptions of my well-planned summer of poolside rest and writing. It took great thought to choose the right words that best described how my slow moving world's been sent spinning on its axis at warp speed and how it's all good.

You see, there's a time for rest and restoration and then there's a time
 to live life free

My nature loves peace and rest and soaking, but then all my words get lazy and there's not much to write about. No inspiration. Like the unharvested, neglected fruit on the vine -too much rest makes me rot.

God's done a great restorative work from the inside-out these past seven years; taught me what it means to abide and how hard it is to forgive, but how life frees up when you muster the courage and finally offer that forgiveness freely given. The writing it down in private and in public helped me sort it all out and figure out who God created me to be.

Now I live life free as God's writer and communicator

But not the way I imagined. No. God's taught me the price of disobedience and the blessing of obedience; that going exactly where He leads ushers in abundance and He just loves to heap good gifts upon us.

That's the kind of summer it's been. Abundant good gifts all heaped.

I touted a book to a writers conference in late July, confident that this was the writing God wanted promoted; the book He created me for. When I returned, He opened the doors to something fun and freeing - a local TV children's story hour called Penn's Pals. I never saw that on my radar - ever! But what a joy it's been so far - invigorating and creative.

And tonight, I opened another little surprise - a note stating one of my stories made the final round for publication consideration with a major publisher! If I make it, I'll know by Christmas.

Living life free means making more room for God's plans

Last year God challenged me to become more disciplined in my writing, which meant blogging consistently, four days a week. I accomplished that goal over the past twelve months. Blogging opened doors, built community with you, and honed my writing skills like nothing before. I love blogging, and will continue to do so, but now God's leading me to live and write differently.

So, what's all this got to do with you?

Generally speaking, starting Monday, September 3rd, Dawn's New Day will only publish twice a week on Monday's and Wednesdays.

Personally, I hope this urges you, inspires you to seek God's full restoration for your heart. This blog is full of stories of God's rescue, restoration and release of my wounded heart. And where God's glory shines is in the release; when we start living life free as He created us to be.

Are you living in a time of rest and restoration or is God leading you to live life free? Won't you share that encouragement by slipping a comment below?

If you're in need of encouragement, feeling more a need for God's rescue, I'd love to pray with you. You don't need to be specific, but just say, "I need prayer."




  1. I love the wisdom and tender heart I always find here friend... thank you for obeying Him. You're a blessing! I'm quite excited to hear of what God brings into your life next! ;) ~ Love, Amy

    1. Amy, I love sharing this God journey with you. Meeting you here has been a highlight of my year! Your smile and encouraging words are such a good gift to those around you. See you here soon.

      Love you girl,
