Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday: God's Glory

"Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy...they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God. "
Isaiah 35:1b-3a

This last full week of winter here in New England has proven a foretaste of coming spring, my favorite season. During a quiet afternoon, God's glory spoke louder than words in:

Mid spring temperatures on a late winter's day.

A picnic lunch and basking in sunshine.

Hope-filled bare limbs against blue skies.

Red-breasted robins return tweets and twitters with cardinals hiding inside forsythia bushes.

Crocuses wide-open take their last bow.

Daffodils welcomed from underneath earth's winter shroud. 

Straw hats, unfolded lawn chairs, a bag full of books and an ink-strewn journal.

Afternoon phone calls and twittering mail; friends words encourage my heart.

Open windows in mid-March.

Cat sunning on sandbox beach.

Winter's last full moon shining God's glory, hope for spring .

God's glory fills the earth.

Where have you seen God's glory this week? Let's praise him together and tell us how his glory shone on your days in the comments below?

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